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(ページの作成: <H3> Adding other elements to the Print Composer </H3> <P> Besides adding a current QGIS map canvas to the Print Composer, it is also possible to add, position, move and custo…)
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--[[利用者:Sanak|Sanak]] 2009年10月4日 (日) 15:59 (UTC)このページは削除予定です。
Adding other elements to the Print Composer
Besides adding a current QGIS map canvas to the Print Composer, it is also possible
to add, position, move and customize legend, scalebar, images and label elements.
Label and images
To add a label or an image, click the mActionLabelAdd label or
mActionSaveMapAsImageAdd image icon, place the element with
the left mouse button on the print composer canvas and position and customize
their appearance in the Item tab.
<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><A NAME="fig:print_composer_tab2"></A><A NAME="subfig:print_composer_label_item"></A><A NAME="subfig:print_composer_image_item"></A><A NAME="125"></A>
Customize print composer label and images </CAPTION>
</DIV>  [label item tab] [clip=true, width=0.4]print_composer_label_item
  [image item tab] [clip=true, width=0.4]print_composer_image_item</TD></TR>
Legend and scalebar
To add a map legend or a scalebar, click the mActionAddLegendAdd new legend or
mActionScaleBarAdd new scalebar icon, place the element with the left
mouse button on the print composer canvas and position and customize their appearance in the Item tab.
<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><A NAME="fig:print_composer_tab1"></A><A NAME="subfig:print_composer_legend_item"></A><A NAME="subfig:print_composer_scalebar_item"></A><A NAME="139"></A>
Customize print composer legend and scalebar </CAPTION>
</DIV>  [legend item tab] [clip=true, width=0.4]print_composer_legend_item
  [scalebar item tab] [clip=true, width=0.4]print_composer_scalebar_item</TD></TR>

2009年10月5日 (月) 00:59時点における最新版

--Sanak 2009年10月4日 (日) 15:59 (UTC)このページは削除予定です。