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2009年8月17日 (月) 20:33時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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Select by query

With QGIS it is possible also to select features using a similar query builder interface to that used in <A HREF="node29.html#sec:query_builder">5.6</A>. In the above section the purpose of the query builder is to only show features meeting the filter criteria as a 'virtual layer' / subset. The purpose of the select by query function is to highlight all features that meet a particular criteria. Select by query can be used with all vector data providers. <P> To do a `select by query' on a loaded layer, click on the button mActionOpenTableOpen Table to open the attribute table of the layer. Then click the Advanced... button at the bottom. This starts the Query Builder that allows to define a subset of a table and display it as described in Section <A HREF="node29.html#sec:query_builder">5.6</A>.