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提供: OSGeo.JP Wiki
2009年8月17日 (月) 10:46時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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The Vector Properties Dialog

The Layer Properties dialog for a vector layer provides information about the layer, symbology settings and labeling options. If your vector layer has been loaded from a PostgreSQL / PostGIS datastore, you can also alter the underlying SQL for the layer - either by hand editing the SQL on the General tab or by invoking the Query Builder dialog on the General tab. To access the Layer Properties dialog, double-click on a layer in the legend or right-click on the layer and select Properties from the popup menu. <P>

<A NAME="fig:vector_symbology"></A><A NAME="307"></A>
Figure: Vector Layer Properties Dialog

[clip=true, width=12cm]vectorLayerSymbology


<A NAME="CHILD_LINKS">Subsections</A>