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Features at a Glance

After a first and simple sample session in Section <A HREF="#label_getstarted"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]" SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> we now want to give you a more detailed overview of the features of QGIS. Most features presented in the following chapters will be explained and described in own sections later in the manual. <P>

Starting and Stopping QGIS

<P> In Section <A HREF="#samplesession"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"

SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> you already learned how to start QGIS. We will 

repeat this here and you will see that QGIS also provides further command line options.


  • Assuming that QGIS is installed in the PATH, you can start QGIS by typing: qgis at a command prompt or by double clicking on the QGIS application link (or shortcut) on the desktop.
  • Start QGIS using the Start menu or desktop shortcut, or double click on a QGIS project file.
  • Double click the icon in your Applications folder.

<P> To stop QGIS, click the menu options {File QGIS} > Quit, or use the shortcut Ctrl+Q.


Command Line Options

<P> QGIS supports a number of options when started from the command line. To get a list of the options, enter qgis --help on the command line. The usage statement for QGIS is:


qgis --help
Quantum GIS - 1.1.0-Pan (Unstable) 'Pan (Unstable)'
Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a viewer for spatial data sets, including
raster and vector data.
Usage: qgis [options] [FILES]
        [--snapshot filename]   emit snapshot of loaded datasets to given file
        [--lang language]       use language for interface text
        [--project projectfile] load the given QGIS project
        [--extent xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]  set initial map extent
        [--help]                this text

    Files specified on the command line can include rasters,
    vectors, and QGIS project files (.qgs):
     1. Rasters - Supported formats include GeoTiff, DEM
        and others supported by GDAL
     2. Vectors - Supported formats include ESRI Shapefiles
        and others supported by OGR and PostgreSQL layers using
        the PostGIS extension


<P> Command line option --snapshot This option allows you to create a snapshot in PNG format from the current view. This comes in handy when you have a lot of projects and want to generate snapshots from your data.

<P> Currently it generates a PNG-file with 800x600 pixels. A filename can be added after --snapshot.

<P> Command line option --lang Based on your locale QGIS, selects the correct localization. If you would like to change your language, you can specify a language code. For example: --lang=it starts QGIS in italian localization. A list of currently supported languages with language code is provided at <A NAME="tex2html2"


<P> Command line option --project Starting QGIS with an existing project file is also possible. Just add the command line option --project followed by your project name and QGIS will open with all layers loaded described in the given file.

<P> Command line option --extent To start with a specific map extent use this option. You need to add the bounding box of your extent in the following order separated by a comma:

--extent xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax



<P> When QGIS starts, you are presented with the GUI as shown below (the numbers 1 through 6 in yellow ovals refer to the six major areas of the interface as discussed below):


<A NAME="fig:startup"></A><A NAME="41"></A>
Figure: QGIS GUI with Alaska sample data
  [clip=true, width=17cm]startup

<P> Note: Your window decorations (title bar, etc.) may appear different depending on your operating system and window manager.

<P> The QGIS GUI is divided into six areas:


1. Menu Bar  4. Map View 
2. Tool Bar  		 5. Map Overview  
3. Map Legend  		 6. Status Bar 

<P> These six components of the QGIS interface are described in more detail in the following sections.


Menu Bar

<P> The menu bar provides access to various QGIS features using a standard hierarchical menu. The top-level menus and a summary of some of the menu options are listed below, together with the icons of the corresponding tools as they appear on the toolbar, as well as keyboard shortcuts. Although most menu options have a corresponding tool and vice-versa, the menus are not organized quite like the toolbars. The toolbar containing the tool is listed after each menu option as a checkbox entry. For more information about tools and toolbars, see Section <A HREF="node6.html#label_toolbars">4.2.2</A>.


  Menu Option 		 Shortcut 		 Reference 		 Toolbar


  • File
    mActionFileNewNew Project 		 Ctrl+N 		 see Section <A HREF="node16.html#sec:projects">4.5</A> 		 File 
    mActionFileOpenOpen Project 		 Ctrl+O 		 see Section <A HREF="node16.html#sec:projects">4.5</A> 		 File 
    Open Recent Projects 		 		 see Section <A HREF="node16.html#sec:projects">4.5</A> 
    mActionFileSaveSave Project 		 Ctrl+S 		 see Section <A HREF="node16.html#sec:projects">4.5</A> 		 File 
    mActionFileSaveAsSave Project As 		 Ctrl+Shift+S 		 see Section <A HREF="node16.html#sec:projects">4.5</A> 		 File 
    mActionSaveMapAsImageSave as Image 		 		 see Section <A HREF="node17.html#sec:output">4.6</A> 
    mActionFilePrintPrint Composer 		 Ctrl+P 		 see Section <A HREF="#label_printcomposer"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 File 
    mActionFileExitExit 		 Ctrl+Q 


  • Edit
    mActionEditCutCut Features 		 Ctrl+X 		 see Section <A HREF="#sec:edit_existing_layer"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 Digitizing 
    mActionEditCopyCopy Features 		 Ctrl+C 		 see Section <A HREF="#sec:edit_existing_layer"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 Digitizing 
    mActionEditPastePaste Features 		 Ctrl+V 		 see Section <A HREF="#sec:edit_existing_layer"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 Digitizing 
    mActionCapturePointCapture Point 		 . 		 see Section <A HREF="#sec:edit_existing_layer"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 Digitizing 
    mActionCaptureLineCapture Line 		 / 		 see Section <A HREF="#sec:edit_existing_layer"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 Digitizing 
    mActionCapturePolygonCapture Polygon 		 Ctrl+/ 		 see Section <A HREF="#sec:edit_existing_layer"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 Digitizing 
    And Other Edit Menu Items 		 		 see Section <A HREF="#sec:edit_existing_layer"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 Digitizing 


  • View
    mActionPanPan Map 		 		 		 Map Navigation 
    mActionZoomInZoom In 		 Ctrl++ 		 		 Map Navigation 
    mActionZoomOutZoom Out 		 Ctrl+- 		 		 Map Navigation 
    mActionSelectSelect Features 		 		 		 Attributes 
    mActionIdentifyIdentify Features 		 I 		 		 Attributes 
    mActionMeasureMeasure Line 		 M 		 		 Attributes 
    mActionMeasureAreaMeasure Area 		 J 		 		 Attributes 
    mActionOpenTableZoom Full 		 F 		 		 Map Navigation 
    mActionZoomToLayerZoom To Layer 		 		 		 Map Navigation 
    mActionZoomToSelectedZoom To Selection 		 Ctrl+J 		 		 Map Navigation 
    mActionZoomLastZoom Last 		 		 		 Map Navigation 
    mActionZoomNextZoom Next 		 		 		 Map Navigation 
    Zoom Actual Size 		 		 		  
    mActionMapTipsMap Tips 		 		 		 Attributes 
    mActionNewBookmarkNew Bookmark 		 Ctrl+B 		 see Section <A HREF="node19.html#sec:bookmarks">4.8</A> 		 Attributes 
    mActionShowBookmarksShow Bookmarks 		 B 		 see Section <A HREF="node19.html#sec:bookmarks">4.8</A> 		 Attributes 
    mActionDrawRefresh 		 Ctrl+R 		 		 Map Navigation 


  • Layer
    mActionNewVectorLayerNew Vector Layer 		 N 		  see Section <A HREF="#sec:create_shape"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 Manage Layers 
    mActionAddNonDbLayerAdd a Vector Layer 		 V 		  see Section <A HREF="#label_workingvector"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 File 
    mActionAddRasterLayerAdd a Raster Layer 		 R 		  see Section <A HREF="#label_raster"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 File 
    mActionAddLayerAdd a PostGIS Layer 		 D 		  see Section <A HREF="#label_postgis"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 File 
    mActionAddSpatiaLiteLayerAdd a SpatiaLite Layer 		 		        see Section <A HREF="#label_spatialite"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 File 
    mActionAddWmsLayerAdd a WMS Layer 		 W 		  see Section <A HREF="#sec:ogc-wms"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> 		 File 
    mActionOpenTableOpen Attribute Table 		 		 		 Attributes 
    mActionToggleEditingToggle editing 		 		 		 Digitizing 
    Save As Shapefile 
    Save Selection As Shapefile 
    mActionRemoveLayerRemove Layer 		 Ctrl+D 		 		 Manage Layers 
    mActionInOverviewAdd to Overview 		 O 		 		 Manage Layers 
    mActionAddAllToOverviewAdd All To Overview 		 + 		  
    mActionRemoveAllFromOverviewRemove All From Overview 		  - 		  
    mActionHideAllLayersHide All Layers 		 H 		 		 Manage Layers 
    mActionShowAllLayersShow All Layers 		 S 		 		 Manage Layers 


  • Settings
    Toggle Fullscreen Mode 		 		  
    mActionProjectPropertiesProject Properties 		 P 		  see Section <A HREF="node16.html#sec:projects">4.5</A> 
    mActionCustomProjectionCustom CRS 		 		 see Section <A HREF="#sec:customprojections"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
    mActionOptionsOptions 		 		 see Section <A HREF="node18.html#subsec:gui_options">4.7</A> 


  • Plugins - (Futher menu items are added by plugins as they are loaded.)
    mActionShowPluginManagerPlugin Manager 		 		 see Section <A HREF="#sec:managing_plugins"><IMG  ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
     SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> Plugins


  • Help
    mActionHelpContentsHelp Contents 		 F1 		 		 Help
    mActionQgisHomePageQGIS Home Page 		 Ctrl+H 		  
    mActionCheckQgisVersionCheck QGIS Version 




<P> The toolbars provide access to most of the same functions as the menus, plus additional tools for interacting with the map. Each toolbar item has popup help available. Hold your mouse over the item and a short description of the tool's purpose will be displayed.

<P> Every menubar can be moved around according to your needs. Additionally every menubar can be switched off using your right mouse button context menu holding the mouse over the toolbars.



% latex2html id marker 324\caption{\textsc{Restoring toolbars}} \i... ...choosing menu option \mainmenuopt{Settings} > \dropmenuopt{Toolbars}.} \end{Tip}">

Map Legend

<P> The map legend area is used to set the visibility and z-ordering of layers. Z-ordering means that layers listed nearer the top of the legend are drawn over layers listed lower down in the legend. The checkbox in each legend entry can be used to show or hide the layer.<A NAME="333"></A>

<P> Layers can be grouped in the legend window by adding a layer group and dragging layers into the group. To do so, move the mouse pointer to the legend window, right click, choose Add group. A new folder appears. Now drag the layers onto to the folder symbol. It is then possible to toggle the visibility of all the layers in the group with one click. To bring layers out of a group, move the mouse pointer to the layer symbol, right click, and choose Make to toplevel item. To give the folder a new name, choose Rename in the right click menu of the group.

<P> The content of the right mouse button context menu depends on whether the loaded legend item you hold your mouse over is a raster or a vector layer. For GRASS vector layers the toggle editing is not available. See section <A HREF="#grass_digitising"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"

SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A> for information on editing GRASS vector layers. 


  • Right mouse button menu for raster layers
    • Zoom to layer extent
    • Zoom to best scale (100%)
    • Show in overview
    • Remove
    • Properties
    • Rename
    • Add Group
    • Expand all
    • Collapse all
    • Show file groups


  • Right mouse button menu for vector layers
    • Zoom to layer extent
    • Show in overview
    • Remove
    • Open attribute table
    • Toggle editing (not available for GRASS layers)
    • Save as shapefile
    • Save selection as shapefile
    • Properties
    • Make to toplevel item
    • Rename
    • Add Group
    • Expand all
    • Collapse all
    • Show file groups


  • Right mouse button menu for layer groups
    • Remove
    • Rename
    • Add Group
    • Expand all
    • Collapse all
    • Show file groups


<P> If several vector data sources have the same vector type and the same attributes, their symbolisations may be grouped. This means that if the symbolisation of one data source is changed, the others automatically have the new symbolisation as well. To group symbologies, open the right click menu in the legend window and choose Show file groups. The file groups of the layers appear. It is now possible to drag a file from one file group into another one. If this is done, the symbologies are grouped. Note that QGIS only permits the drag if the two layers are able to share symbology (same vector geometry type and same attributes).


Map View

<P> This is the 'business end' of QGIS - maps are displayed in this area! The map displayed in this window will depend on the vector and raster layers you have chosen to load (see sections that follow for more information on how to load layers). The map view can be panned (shifting the focus of the map display to another region) and zoomed in and out. Various other operations can be performed on the map as described in the toolbar description above. The map view and the legend are tightly bound to each other - the maps in view reflect changes you make in the legend area.



% latex2html id marker 384 \caption{\textsc{Zooming the Map with the... ...s} tab under the \mainmenuopt{Settings} >\dropmenuopt{Options} menu. } \end{Tip}">



% latex2html id marker 391 \caption{\textsc{Panning the Map with the... ...ing the space bar: just move the mouse while holding down space bar. } \end{Tip}">


Map Overview

<P> The map overview area provides a full extent view of layers added to it. Within the view is a rectangle showing the current map extent. This allows you to quickly determine which area of the map you are currently viewing. Note that labels are not rendered to the map overview even if the layers in the map overview have been set up for labeling. You can add a single layer to the overview by right-clicking on it in the legend and select Show in overview. You can also add layers to, or remove all layers from the overview using the Overview tools on the toolbar.

<P> If you click and drag the red rectangle in the overview that shows your current extent, the main map view will update accordingly.


Status Bar

<P> The status bar shows you your current position in map coordinates (e.g. meters or decimal degrees) as the mouse pointer is moved across the map view. To the left of the coordinate display in the status bar is a small button that will toggle between showing coordinate position or the view extents of the map view as you pan and zoom in and out.

<P> A progress bar in the status bar shows progress of rendering as each layer is drawn to the map view. In some cases, such as the gathering of statistics in raster layers, the progress bar will be used to show the status of lengthy operations.

<P> If a new plugin or a plugin update is available, you will see a message in the status bar. On the right side of the status bar is a small checkbox which can be used to temporarily prevent layers being rendered to the map view (see Section <A HREF="node11.html#subsec:redraw_events">4.3</A> below). At the far right of the status bar is a projector icon. Clicking on this opens the projection properties for the current project.



% latex2html id marker 403 \caption{\textsc{Calculating the correct ... ...s are set to what the project projection specifies, e.g. '+units=m'. } \end{Tip}">


<P> By default, QGIS renders all visible layers whenever the map canvas must be refreshed. The events that trigger a refresh of the map canvas include:


  • Adding a layer
  • Panning or zooming
  • Resizing the QGIS window
  • Changing the visibility of a layer or layers

<P> QGIS allows you to control the rendering process in a number of ways.


Scale Dependent Rendering

<P> Scale dependent rendering allows you to specify the minimum and maximum scales at which a layer will be visible. To set scale dependency rendering, open the Properties dialog by double-clicking on the layer in the legend. On the General tab, set the minimum and maximum scale values and then click on the Scale dependent visibility checkbox.

<P> You can determine the scale values by first zooming to the level you want to use and noting the scale value in the QGIS status bar.<A NAME="423"></A>


Controlling Map Rendering

<P> Map rendering can be controlled in the following ways:

<P> a) Suspending Rendering<A NAME="427"></A> <A NAME="label_suspendrender"></A> <P> To suspend rendering, click the Render checkbox in the lower right corner of the statusbar. When the Render box is not checked, QGIS does not redraw the canvas in response to any of the events described in Section <A HREF="node11.html#subsec:redraw_events">4.3</A>. Examples of when you might want to suspend rendering include:


  • Add many layers and symbolize them prior to drawing
  • Add one or more large layers and set scale dependency before drawing
  • Add one or more large layers and zoom to a specific view before drawing
  • Any combination of the above

<P> Checking the Render box enables rendering and causes and immediate refresh of the map canvas.

<P> b) Setting Layer Add Option<A NAME="label_settinglayer"></A><A NAME="437"></A><A NAME="438"></A>

<P> You can set an option to always load new layers without drawing them. This means the layer will be added to the map, but its visibility checkbox in the legend will be unchecked by default. To set this option, choose menu option Settings > Options and click on the Rendering tab. Uncheck the By default new layers added to the map should be displayed checkbox. Any layer added to the map will be off (invisible) by default.

<P> c) Updating the Map Display During Rendering <A NAME="label_updatemap"></A><A NAME="445"></A>

<P> You can set an option to update the map display as features are drawn. By default, QGIS does not display any features for a layer until the entire layer has been rendered. To update the display as features are read from the datastore, choose menu option Settings > Options click on the Rendering tab. Set the feature count to an appropriate value to update the display during rendering. Setting a value of 0 disables update during drawing (this is the default). Setting a value too low will result in poor performance as the map canvas is continually updated during the reading of the features. A suggested value to start with is 500.

<P> d) Influence Rendering Quality <A NAME="label_renderquality"></A><A NAME="451"></A>

<P> To influence the rendering quality of the map you have 3 options. Choose menu option Settings > Options click on the Rendering tab and select or deselect following checkboxes.


  • Make lines appear less jagged at the expense of some drawing performance
  • Fix problems with incorrectly filled polygons
  • Continuously redraw the map when dragging the legend/map divider



<P> Measuring works within projected coordinate systems only (e.g., UTM). If the loaded map is defined with a geographic coordinate system (latitude/longitude), the results from line or area measurements will be incorrect. To fix this you need to set an appropriate map coordinate system (See Section <A HREF="#label_projections"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"



Measure length and areas

[width=0.7cm]mActionMeasure QGIS is also able to measure real distances between given points according to a defined ellipsoid. To configure this, choose menu option Settings > Options, click on the Map tools tab and choose the appropriate ellipsoid. The tool then allows you to click points on the map. Each segment-length shows up in the measure-window and additionally the total length is printed. To stop measuring click your right mouse button.
[width=0.7cm]mActionMeasureArea Areas can also be measured. The window shows the accumulated area-size in the measure window


<A NAME="fig:measure"></A><A NAME="subfig:measure_line"></A><A NAME="subfig:measure_area"></A><A NAME="473"></A>
Figure: Measure tools in action
[Measure lines] [clip=true, width=0.3]measure_line [Measure areas][clip=true, width=0.3]measure_area



<P> The state of your QGIS session is considered a Project. QGIS works on one project at a time. Settings are either considered as being per-project, or as a default for new projects (see Section <A HREF="node18.html#subsec:gui_options">4.7</A>). QGIS can save the state of your workspace into a project file using the menu options File > mActionFileSaveSave Project or File > mActionFileSaveAsSave Project As.

<P> Load saved projects into a QGIS session using File > mActionFileOpenOpen Project or File > Open Recent Project. If you wish to clear your session and start fresh, choose File > mActionFileNewNew Project. Either of these menu options will prompt you to save the existing project if changes have been made since it was opened or last saved.

<P> The kinds of information saved in a project file include:


  • Layers added
  • Layer properties, including symbolization
  • Projection for the map view
  • Last viewed extent

<P> The project file is saved in XML format, so it is possible to edit the file outside QGIS if you know what you are doing. The file format was updated several times compared to earlier QGIS versions. Project files from older QGIS versions may not work properly anymore. To be made aware of this, in the General tab under Settings > Options you can select Warn when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGIS.



There are several ways to generate output from your QGIS session. We have discussed one already in Section <A HREF="node16.html#sec:projects">4.5</A>: saving as a project file. Here is a sampling of other ways to produce output files:

  • Menu option mActionSaveMapAsImageSave as Image opens a file dialog where you select the name, path and type of image (PNG or JPG format). From this release, a world file with extension PNGW or JPGW saved in the same folder georeferences the image.
  • Menu option mActionFilePrintPrint Composer opens a dialog where you can layout and print the current map canvas (see Section <A HREF="#label_printcomposer"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]" SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A>).

GUI Options

[width=0.7cm,clip=true]mActionOptions Some basic options for QGIS can be selected using the Options dialog. Select the menu option Settings >

mActionOptionsOptions. The tabs where you can 

optmize your options are:

<P> General Tab


  • Ask to save project changes when required
  • Warn when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGIS
  • Change Selection and backgroud Color
  • Change the icon theme (choose between default, classic, gis and nkids)
  • Capitalise layer names in legend
  • Display classification attribute names in legend
  • Hide splash screen at startup
  • Open attribute table in a dock window
  • Define attribute table behavior (choose between show all features, show selected features and show features in current canvas)

<P> Rendering Tab


  • By deafult new layers added to the map should be displayed
  • Define number of features to draw before updating the display.
  • Make lines appear less jagged at the expense of some drawing performance
  • Fix problems with incorrectly filled polygons
  • Continously redraw when dragging the legend/map divider

<P> Map tools Tab


  • Define Search Radius as a percentage of the map width
  • Define Ellipsoid for distance calculations
  • Define Rubberband Color for Measure Tools
  • Define Mouse wheel action (Zoom, Zoom and recenter, Zoom to mouse cursor, Nothing)
  • Define Zoom factor for wheel mouse

<P> Overlay


  • Define placement algorithm for lables (choose between central point (standard), chain, popmusic tabu chain, popmusic tabu and popmusic chain)

<P> Digitizing Tab


  • Define Rubberband Color and line width for Digitizing
  • Define default snap mode (to vertex, to segment, to vertex and segment)
  • Define default snapping tolerance in layer units
  • Define search radius for vertex edits in layer units
  • Define vertex marker style (Cross, semi transparent circle or none)
  • Suppress attributes pop-up windows after each created feature

<P> CRS Tab


  • Prompt for Coordinate Reference System (CRS)
  • Project wide default Coordinate Reference System (CRS) will be used
  • Global default Coordinate Reference System (CRS) displayed below will be used
  • Select global default Coordinate Reference System (CRS)

<P> Locale Tab


  • Overwrite system locale and use defined locale instead
  • Information about active system locale

<P> Proxy Tab


  • Use proxy for web access and define host, port, user, and password.
  • Set the Proxy type according to your needs
    • Default Proxy: Proxy is determined based on the application proxy set using
    • Socks5Proxy: Generic proxy for any kind of connection. Supports TCP, UDP, binding to a port (incoming connections) and authentication.
    • HttpProxy: Implemented using the "CONNECT" command, supports only outgoing TCP connections; supports authentication.
    • HttpCachingProxy: Implemented using normal HTTP commands, it is useful only in the context of HTTP requests
    • FtpCachingProxy: Implemented using an FTP proxy, it is useful only in the context of FTP requests

<P> Excluding some URLs can be added to the textbox below the proxy-settings (see fig. <A HREF="#fig:proxy-settings">4</A>) by pressing the Add-button. After that double-click into the just created URL-field and enter the URL you would like to exclude from using the proxy. Obviously the button Remove removes the selected entry.

<P> If you need more detailed information about the different proxy-settings, please refer to the manual of the unterlaying QT-library-documentation at <A NAME="tex2html25"



<A NAME="fig:proxy-settings"></A><A NAME="577"></A>
Figure: Proxy-settings in QGIS
  [clip=true, width=10cm]proxy-settings



% latex2html id marker 582 \caption{\textsc{Using Proxies}} \qgisti... ...error' the above proxy types and check if they succeed in your case. } \end{Tip}">

<P> You can modify the options according to your needs. Some of the changes may require a restart of QGIS before they will be effective.


  • settings are saved in a texfile: $HOME/.config/QuantumGIS/qgis.conf
  • you can find your settings in: $HOME/Library/Preferences/org.qgis.qgis.plist
  • settings are stored in the registry under:


Spatial Bookmarks

<A NAME="634"></A>

<P> Spatial Bookmarks allow you to ``bookmark a geographic location and return to it later.


Creating a Bookmark</A>

To create a bookmark:

  1. Zoom or pan to the area of interest.
  2. Select the menu option View > New Bookmark or press Ctrl-B.
  3. Enter a descriptive name for the bookmark (up to 255 characters).
  4. Click OK to add the bookmark or Cancel to exit without adding the bookmark.

<P> Note that you can have multiple bookmarks with the same name.


Working with Bookmarks</A>

To use or manage bookmarks, select the menu option View > Show Bookmarks. The Geospatial Bookmarks dialog allows you to zoom to or delete a bookmark. You can not edit the bookmark name or coordinates.
