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2009年8月16日 (日) 15:49時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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Raise, lower and align elements

Raise or lower functionalities for elements are inside the mActionRaiseItemsRaise selected items pulldown menu. Choose an element on the print composer canvas and select the matching functionality to raise or lower the selected element compared to the other elements (see table <A HREF="node1.html#tab:printcomposer_tools">4</A>). <P> There are several alignment functionalities available within the mActionAlignLeftAlign selected items pulldown menu (see table <A HREF="node1.html#tab:printcomposer_tools">4</A>). To use an alignment functionality , you first select some elements and then click on the matching alignment icon. All selected will then be aligned within to their common bounding box. <P>