Copyright Label Plugin

提供: OSGeo.JP Wiki
2009年8月18日 (火) 15:41時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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Copyright Label Plugin

The title of this plugin is a bit misleading - you can add any random text to the map. <P>

<A NAME="fig:copyright"></A><A NAME="5"></A>
Figure: Copyright Label Plugin

[clip=true, width=8cm]copyright


  1. Make sure the plugin is loaded
  2. Click on Plugins > Decorations > copyright_labelCopyright Label or use the copyright_labelCopyright Label button from the Toolbar.
  3. Enter the text you want to place on the map. You can use HTML as shown in the example
  4. Choose the placement of the label from the PlacementBottom Right drop-down box
  5. Make sure the Enable Copyright Label checkbox is checked
  6. Click OK

<P> In the example above (default) places a copyright symbol followed by the date in the lower right hand corner of the map canvas.
