Creating the Project File

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2009年8月18日 (火) 16:51時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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Creating the Project File

The MapServer Export Plugin operates on a saved QGIS project file and not on the current contents of the map canvas and legend. This has been a source of confusion for a number of users. As described below, before you start using the MapServer Export Plugin, you need to arrange the raster and vector layers you want to use in MapServer and save this status in a QGIS project file. <P>

<A NAME="fig:mapserver_export_qgs"></A><A NAME="7"></A>
Figure: Arrange raster and vector layers for QGIS project file

[clip=true, width=12cm]mapserver_export_qgis

<P> In this example, we demonstrate the four steps required to create a simple project file which can be used to create the MapServer map file. We use raster and vector files from the QGIS sample dataset #label_sampledata.


  1. Add the raster layer landcover.tif clicking on the mActionAddRasterLayerAdd Raster Layer icon.
  2. Add the vector Shapefiles lakes.shp, majrivers.shp and airports.shp from the QGIS sample dataset clicking on the mActionAddNonDbLayerAdd Vector Layer icon.
  3. Change the colors and symbolize the data as you like (For example see Figure #fig:mapserver_export_qgis)
  4. Save a new project named mapserverproject.qgs using File > mActionFileSaveSave Project.