Displaying GeoRaster

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2009年8月18日 (火) 17:27時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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Displaying GeoRaster

Finally, by selecting a GeoRaster from the list of Raster Data Table and Raster Id's, the raster image will be loaded into QGIS. <P> The Select Oracle Spatial GeoRaster dialog window can be closed now and next time it opens it will keep the same connection, and will show the same previous list of subdataset making it very easy to open up another image from the same context. <P> Note: GeoRasters that contains pyramids will display much faster but the pyramids need to be generated outside of QGIS using Oracle PL/SQL or gdaladdo. <P> The following is example using gdaladdo: <P>

gdaladdo georaster:scott/tiger@orcl,georaster\_table,georaster,georid=6 -r 
nearest 2 4 6 8 16 32

<P> This is an example using PL/SQL: cd ..

$ sqlplus scott/tiger
    gr sdo_georaster;
    SELECT image INTO gr FROM cities WHERE id = 1 FOR UPDATE;
    sdo_geor.generatePyramid(gr, 'rLevel=5, resampling=NN');
    UPDATE cities SET image = gr WHERE id = 1;
