GRASS region ツール

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2009年8月18日 (火) 14:45時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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The GRASS region tool

The region definition (setting a spatial working window) in GRASS is important for working with raster layers. Vector analysis is per default not limited to any defined region definitions. All newly-created rasters will have the spatial extension and resolution of the currently defined GRASS region, regardless of their original extension and resolution. The current GRASS region is stored in the $LOCATION/$MAPSET/WIND file, and it defines north, south, east and west bounds, number of columns and rows, horizontal and vertical spatial resolution.

It is possible to switch on/off the visualization of the GRASS region in the QGIS canvas using the grass_regionDisplay current GRASS region button. <A NAME="371"></A>.

With the grass_region_editEdit current GRASS region icon you can open a dialog to change the current region and the symbology of the GRASS region rectangle in the QGIS canvas. Type in the new region bounds and resolution and click OK. It also allows to select a new region interactively with your mouse on the QGIS canvas. Therefore click with the left mouse button in the QGIS canvas, open a rectangle, close it using the left mouse button again and click OK.<A NAME="376"></A> The GRASS module g.region provide a lot more parameters to define an appropriate region extend and resolution for your raster analysis. You can use these parameters with the GRASS Toolbox, described in Section 9.9. <P>