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2009年8月18日 (火) 13:15時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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GRASS data are stored in a directory referred to as GISDBASE. This directory often called grassdata, must be created before you start working with the GRASS plugin in QGIS. Within this directory, the GRASS GIS data are organized by projects stored in subdirectories called LOCATION. Each LOCATION is defined by its coordinate system, map projection and geographical boundaries. Each LOCATION can have several MAPSETs (subdirectories of the LOCATION) that are used to subdivide the project into different topics, subregions, or as workspaces for individual team members (Neteler & Mitasova 2008 [#!neteler_mitasova08!#]). In order to analyze vector and raster layers with GRASS modules, you must import them into a GRASS LOCATION. footnode.html#foot485></A> <P>

<A NAME="fig:grass_location"></A><A NAME="486"></A>
Figure 27: GRASS data in the alaska LOCATION (adapted from Neteler & Mitasova 2008 [#!neteler_mitasova08!#])


