GRASS Toolbox vector data modules

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2009年8月18日 (火) 18:15時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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GRASS Toolbox vector data modules

This Section lists all graphical dialogs in the GRASS Toolbox to work with and analyse vector data in a currently selected GRASS location and mapset. <P>

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Table 26: GRASS Toolbox: Develop vector map modules
Develop vector map modules in the GRASS Toolbox
Module name Purpose Rebuild topology of all vectors in the mapset
v.clean.break Break lines at each intersection of vector map
v.clean.snap Cleaning topology: snap lines to vertex in threshold
v.clean.rmdangles Cleaning topology: remove dangles
v.clean.chdangles Cleaning topology: change the type of boundary dangle to line
v.clean.rmbridge Remove bridges connecting area and island or 2 islands
v.clean.chbridge Change the type of bridges connecting area and island or 2 islands
v.clean.rmdupl Remove duplicate lines (pay attention to categories!)
v.clean.rmdac Remove duplicate area centroids
v.clean.bpol Break polygons. Boundaries are broken on each
 point shared between 2 and more polygons where angles of segments are
v.clean.prune Remove vertices in threshold from lines and boundaries
v.clean.rmarea Remove small areas (removes longest boundary with adjacent area)
v.clean.rmline Remove all lines or boundaries of zero length
v.clean.rmsa Remove small angles between lines at nodes Convert lines to boundaries Convert boundaries to lines
v.type.pc Convert points to centroids
v.type.cp Convert centroids to points
v.centroids Add missing centroids to closed boundaries Build polylines from lines
v.segment Creates points/segments from input vector lines and positions Create points along input lines
v.parallel Create parallel line to input lines
v.dissolve Dissolves boundaries between adjacent areas
v.drape Convert 2D vector to 3D vector by sampling of elevation raster
v.transform Performs an affine transformation on a vector map
v.proj Allows projection conversion of vector files Updates vector map metadata
generalize Vector based generalization




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Table 27: GRASS Toolbox: Database connection modules
Database connection modules in the GRASS Toolbox
Module name Purpose
v.db.connect Connect a vector to database
v.db.sconnect Disconnect a vector from database
v.db.what.connect Set/Show database connection for a vector




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Table 28: GRASS Toolbox: Change vector field modules
Change vector field modules in the GRASS Toolbox
Module name Purpose
v.category.add Add elements to layer (ALL elements of the selected layer type!)
v.category.del Delete category values
v.category.sum Add a value to the current category values
v.reclass.file Reclass category values using a rules file
v.reclass.attr Reclass category values using a column attribute (integer positive)




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Table 29: GRASS Toolbox: Working with vector points modules
Working with vector points modules in the GRASS Toolbox
Module name Purpose Create new vector area map with current region extent
v.mkgrid.region Create grid in current region Import vector points from a database table containing coordinates
v.random Randomly generate a 2D/3D GRASS vector point map
v.kcv Randomly partition points into test/train sets
v.outlier Romove outliers from vector point data
v.hull Create a convex hull
v.delaunay.line Delaunay triangulation (lines)
v.delaunay.area Delaunay triangulation (areas)
v.voronoi.line Voronoi diagram (lines)
v.voronoi.area Voronoi diagram (areas)




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Table 30: GRASS Toolbox: Spatial vector and network analysis modules
Spatial vector and network analysis modules in the GRASS Toolbox
Module name Purpose
v.extract.where Select features by attributes
v.extract.list Extract selected features Select features overlapped by features in another map
v.buffer Vector buffer
v.distance Find the nearest element in vector 'to' for elements in vector 'from'. Create nodes on network Allocate network Cut network by cost isolines Connect nodes by shortest route (traveling salesman) Connect selected nodes by shortest tree (Steiner tree)
v.patch Create a new vector map by combining other vector maps
v.overlay.or Vector union
v.overlay.and Vector intersection
v.overlay.not Vector subtraction
v.overlay.xor Vector non-intersection




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Table 31: GRASS Toolbox: Vector update by other maps modules
Vector update by other maps modules in the GRASS Toolbox
Module name Purpose
v.rast.stats Calculates univariate statistics from a GRASS raster map based on vector objects
v.what.vect Uploads map for which to edit attribute table
v.what.rast Uploads raster values at positions of vector points to the table
v.sample Sample a raster file at site locations




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Table 32: GRASS Toolbox: Vector report and statistic modules
Vector report and statistic modules in the GRASS Toolbox
Module name Purpose Put geometry variables in database Reports geometry statistics for vectors
v.univar Calculates univariate statistics on selected table column for a GRASS vector map
v.normal Tests for normality for points


