Managing connections

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2009年8月18日 (火) 17:18時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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Managing connections

Firstly, the Oracle GeoRaster Plugin must be enabled using the Plugin Manager (see Section #sec:load_core_plugin). The first time you load a GeoRaster in QGIS, you must create a connection to the Oracle database that contains the data. To do this, begin by clicking on the oracle_rasterSelect GeoRaster toolbar button, it will open the Select Oracle Spatial GeoRaster dialog window. Click on New to open the dialog window, and specify the connection parameters (See Figure 62): <P>

  • Name: Enter a name for the database connection.
  • Database instance: Enter the name of the database that you will connect to.
  • Username: Specify your own username that you will use to access the database.
  • Password: The password associated with your username that is required to access the database.


<A NAME="fig:oracle_create"></A><A NAME="20"></A>
Figure: Create Oracle connection dialog

[clip=true, width=9cm]oracle_create_dialog

<P> Now, back on the main Oracle Spatial GeoRaster dialog window (See Figure 63), use the drop-down list to choose one connection, and use the Connect button to establish a connection. You may also Edit the connection by opening the previous dialog and making changes to the connection information, or use the Delete button to remove the connection from the drop-down list.
