Overview of WMS Support

提供: OSGeo.JP Wiki
2009年8月26日 (水) 01:54時点におけるMoritoru (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

移動: 案内検索


QGIS currently can act as a WMS client that understands WMS 1.1, 1.1.1 and 1.3 servers. It has particularly been tested against publicly accessible servers such as DEMIS and JPL OnEarth. <P> WMS servers act upon requests by the client (e.g. QGIS) for a raster map with a given extent, set of layers, symbolisation style, and transparency. The WMS server then consults its local data sources, rasterizes the map, and sends it back to the client in a raster format. For QGIS this would typically be JPEG or PNG. <P> WMS is generically a REST (Representational State Transfer) service rather than a fully-blown Web Service. As such, you can actually take the URLs generated by QGIS and use them in a web browser to retrieve the same images that QGIS uses internally. This can be useful for troubleshooting, as there are several brands of WMS servers in the market and they all have their own interpretation of the WMS standard. <P> WMS layers can be added quite simply, as long as you know the URL to access the WMS server, you have a serviceable connection to that server, and the server understands HTTP as the data transport mechanism. <P>