Plugins ogr converter

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2009年8月18日 (火) 17:09時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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OGR Converter Plugin

The OGR Layer Converter plugin adds the ability to convert vector data from one OGR-supported vector format to another. The plugin is very simple to run, and only requires a few parameters to be specified before running: <P>

  • Source Format/Datset/Layer: Enter OGR format and path to the vector file to be converted
  • Target Format/Datset/Layer: Enter OGR format and path to the vector output file


<A NAME="fig:ogr_converter_dialog"></A><A NAME="9"></A>
Figure: OGR Layer Converter Plugin

[clip=true, width=9cm]ogr_converter_dialog

<P> Using the Plugin


  1. Start QGIS, load the OGR converter plugin in the Plugin Manager (see Section #sec:load_core_plugin) and click on the ogr_converterOGR Layer Converter icon which appears in the QGIS toolbar menu. The OGR Layer Converter plugin dialog appears as shown in Figure #fig:ogrconverter_dialog.
  2. Select the OGR-supported format (e.g., ESRI Shapefile...) and the path to the vector input file (e.g., alaska.shp) in the Source area.
  3. Select the OGR-supported format (e.g., GML...) and define a path and the vector output filename (e.g., alaska.gml) in the Target area.
  4. Click Ok.