Plugins oracle raster

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2009年8月18日 (火) 17:14時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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Oracle GeoRaster Plugin

In Oracle databases, raster data can be stored in SDO_GEORASTER objects available with the Oracle Spatial extension. In QGIS, the oracle_rasterOracle GeoRaster Plugin is supported by GDAL, and depends on Oracle's Database product being installed and working on your machine. While Oracle is proprietary software, they provide their software free for development and testing purposes. Here is one simple example of how to load raster images to GeoRaster: <P>

$ gdal_translate -of georaster input_file.tif geor:scott/tiger@orcl

<P> This will load the raster into the default GDAL_IMPORT table, as a column named RASTER.

