Raster Properties Dialog:Colormap

提供: OSGeo.JP Wiki
2009年8月18日 (火) 00:23時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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The Colormap tab is only available, when you have selected a single-band-rendering within the tab Symbology (see chapt. <A HREF="node5.html#label_sombology">6.3.1</A>). <P> Three ways of color interpolation are available:

  • Discrete
  • Linear
  • Exact

<P> The button Add Entry adds a color to the individual color-table. Double-Clicking on the value-column lets you inserting a specific value. Double clicking on the color-column opens the dialog Select color where you can select a color to apply on that value.

<P> Alternativly you can click on the button mActionNewAttributeLoad colormap from Band , which tries to load the table from the band (if it has any).

<P> The block Generate new color map allows you to create newly categorized colormaps. You only need to select the number of classes15 you need and press the button Classify. Currently only one Classification modeEqual Interval is supported<A NAME="122"></A>.
