Raster Properties Dialog:Histogram Tab

提供: OSGeo.JP Wiki
2009年8月18日 (火) 00:28時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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Histogram Tab

The Histogram tab allows you to view the distribution<A NAME="145"></A> of the bands or colors in your raster. You must first generate the raster statistics by clicking the Refresh button. You can choose which bands to display by selecting them in the list box at the bottom left of the tab. Two different chart types are allowed: <P>

  • Bar chart
  • Line graph

<P> You can define the number of chart columns to use and decide whether you want to Allow approximation or display out of range values Once you view the histogram, you'll notice that the band statistics have been populated on the metadata tab.<A NAME="152"></A>



% latex2html id marker 153 \caption{\textsc{Gathering Raster Statist... ...tient while QGIS examines your data!\index{raster layers!statistics} } \end{Tip}">