SpatiaLite レイヤ

提供: OSGeo.JP Wiki
2009年9月5日 (土) 21:04時点におけるSanak (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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SpatiaLite Layers

<A NAME="899"></A> <A NAME="285"></A> <A NAME="label_spatialite"></A>

[width=0.7cm]mActionAddSpatiaLiteLayer The first time you load data from a Spatialite database, begin by clicking on the mActionAddSpatiaLiteLayerAdd SpatiaLite Layer toolbar button or by selecting the mActionAddSpatiaLiteLayerAdd SpatiaLite Layer... option from the Layer menu or by typing L. This will bring up a window, which will allow you to either connect to a Spatialite database already known to QGIS, which you can choose from the dropdown menu or to define a new connection to a new database. To define a new connection, click on New and use the file browser to point to your SpatiaLite database, which is a file with a .sqlite extension. <P>