The Vector Properties Dialog:Symbology Tab

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2009年8月17日 (月) 19:22時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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Symbology Tab

QGIS supports a number of symbology renderers to control how vector features are displayed. Currently the following renderers are available: <P>

Single symbol
- a single style is applied to every object in the layer.<A NAME="321"></A>
Graduated symbol
- objects within the layer are displayed with different symbols classified by the values of a particular field.<A NAME="322"></A>
Continuous color
- objects within the layer are displayed with a spread of colours classified by the numerical values within a specified field.<A NAME="323"></A>
Unique value
- objects are classified by the unique values within a specified field with each value having a different symbol.<A NAME="324"></A>

<P> To change the symbology for a layer, simply double click on its legend entry and the vector Layer Properties dialog will be shown.<A NAME="327"></A>


<A NAME="subfig:single_symbol"></A><A NAME="subfig:graduated_symbol"></A><A NAME="subfig:cont_color"></A><A NAME="subfig:unique_val"></A><A NAME="329"></A>
Figure: Symbolizing-options
  [Single symbol] [clip=true, width=0.4]vectorClassifySingle
  [Graduated symbol] [clip=true, width=0.4]vectorClassifyGraduated

[Continous color] [clip=true, width=0.4]vectorClassifyContinous

[Unique value] [clip=true, width=0.4]vectorClassifyUnique

<P> Style Options <A NAME="sec:style_options"></A> <A NAME="341"></A> Within this dialog you can style your vector layer. Depending on the selected rendering option you have the possibility to also classify your mapfeatures.

<P> At least the following styling options apply for nearly all renderers:

Outline style
- pen-style for your outline of your feature. you can also set this to 'no pen'.
Outline color
- color of the ouline of your feature
Outline width
- width of your features
Fill color
- fill-color of your features.
Fill style
- Style for filling. Beside the given brushes you can select Fill style? texture and click the button for selecting your own fill-style. Currently the fileformats *.jpeg, *.xpm, and *.png are supported.

<P> Once you have styled your layer you also could save your layer-style to a separate file (with *.qml-ending). To do this, use the button Save Style .... No need to say that Load Style ... loads your saved layer-style-file.

<P> If you wish to always use a particular style whenever the layer is loaded, use the Save As Default button to make your style the default. Also, if you make changes to the style that you are not happy with, use the Restore Default Styel button to revert to your default style.

<P> Vector transparency <A NAME="sec:vect_transparency"></A> <A NAME="354"></A> QGIS allows to set a transparency for every vector layer. This can be done with the slider Transparency020mm inside the symbology tab (see fig. <A HREF="node15.html#fig:vector_symbology">10</A>). This is very useful for overlaying several vector layers.
