WMS Client Limitations

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2009年8月18日 (火) 12:21時点におけるKayama (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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WMS Client Limitations

Not all possible WMS Client functionality had been included in this version of QGIS. Some of the more notable exceptions follow:

Editing WMS Layer Settings <A NAME="186"></A>

Once you've completed the mActionAddWmsLayerAdd WMS layer procedure, there is no ability to change the settings.

A workaround is to delete the layer completely and start again.

WMS Servers Requiring Authentication <A NAME="190"></A> <A NAME="191"></A>

Currently public accessible and secured WMS-services are supported. The secured WMS-servers can be accessed by public authentification. You can add the (optional) credentials when you add a WMS-server. See section <A HREF="node5.html#sec:ogc-wms-servers">7.2.2</A> for details.
